Community Solar Buying Scheme
If you live in Chippenham or surrounding areas, our Community Solar PV Buying Scheme aims to make it easier and cheaper for you to get solar panels installed on your home. We’ve vetted solar suppliers and agreed a group buy discount for Chippenham and surrounding residents.
Click through to our Community Solar Buying scheme page to find out more and fill out the form for a no obligation quote from our vetted installer.

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Thermal Camera Free Hire Scheme
If you live in Chippenham you can borrow one of our free thermal cameras to find out how energy efficient your home is. Where are you losing heat, where do you need to insulate?

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Home Energy Efficiency
Tackling the Climate emergency and ending the suffering caused by cold homes go hand in hand. Our Home Energy Efficiency project provides information and case studies on energy saving measures and sign posts help and advice for Chippenham residents.
Start your journey to keep your home warm and save money from simple low cost hints and tips, to financial help and grants, to more complex home retrofits.

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Community Engagement
To raise awareness and help people understand what they can do, we have a programme of community engagement activities, teaming up with local schools, and exhibiting at events such as school fetes.
Why not add your thoughts to our Chippenham Imagination tree?

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Air Quality
Air quality is a major concern nationally and in Chippenham we are no exception. Air quality is a health and climate emergency which is why we have fundraised to install four Citizen Science Air Quality Monitors. Find out more and view our Live Air Quality Dashboards for Langley Road, Marshfield Road, Rowden Hill, and Wood Lane.

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Zero Waste
Our Zero Waste group explores how Chippenham residents can reduce waste and keep materials in circulation from composting to uniform swaps.

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Tree Planting
This project involves local farmers and landowners collaborating with Zero Chippenham to enable trees to be planted on less productive or unproductive areas of land.

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So how can we reduce Chippenham’s carbon footprint to net zero?
We are working to decarbonise Chippenham through Power, Heating and Energy efficiency, Transport, Land use, Air Quality, and Zero Waste. Here are some of our achievements so far…

Community Solar Panel Scheme with over 50 domestic installations in Chippenham and surrounding villages

Thousands of trees planted in Chippenham and in partnership with surrounding land owners resulting in a Civic Society Award

Organising the first sustainability conference in Chippenham attracting leading international authors, an MEP, and delegates from across North Wiltshire

Introducing a free Thermal Camera loan scheme for Chippenham residents to assess the energy efficiency and heat loss of housing.
If you want to build a flotilla of ships you don’t sit around and talk about the carpentry. You set the saws ablaze with visions of exploring distant shores – Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Latest News and Case Studies
Coming Soon… Zero North Wiltshire
Zero North Wiltshire was founded in 2022 as a local renewable energy company. We are a passionate group of individuals dedicated to transforming the way we access and utilise energy across our communities, while playing a vital local role in the fight against climate change.
A launch share offer is coming soon…

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Further information on Sustainability
Here are some informative posts on Climate Change, Ocean acidification, Sustainability and Economics…
Want to get Involved?
We are a voluntary group that aims to meet once a month in Chippenham, sometimes in person, sometimes via Zoom. We usually meet the last Thursday every month.
We are particularly interested in people with the skills to be a treasurer or take on projects for Electric Vehicles.

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