Community Engagement

To raise awareness and help people understand what they can do, we have a programme of community engagement activities, teaming up with with local schools and colleges, and exhibiting at events such as school fetes, sustainability events, and Eco Festivals.

Schools and Local organisations

We can work with school and community events in a variety of ways. 

We have an a large tree on which people can cut out leaves and share their thoughts on climate and environmental issues. The theme of the tree can be structured to suit your event. For example we recently used it discuss water and the environment.

We also offer information and advice on our community solar scheme; energy saving through our thermal camera scheme; and tree planting, sometimes in conjunction with Avon Needs Trees.

Monkton Park school fete

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Tree sculpture

We have a large tree sculpture. Leaves are cut out and people are encouraged to share their thoughts on climate and the environment. The tree is a great centrepiece, though hard to transport! It was made for Zero Chippenham by Wiltshire Wood recycling. It’s a great way of engaging with people of all ages.

Community Solar

We can share information on our community solar scheme, and are able to give people informal advice on solar and battery installations, and other renewable energy solutions. 

Energy Saving

We have a free thermal camera loan scheme and can share advice and experience on energy saving measures, from low cost and simple, to more involved solutions.

Volunteer Expertise

Our volunteers have a huge range of expertise.

Some are sustainability and renewable energy professionals, some engineers, some have water and environmental expertise, many are involved with other local groups and organisations from the Town Council and Wiltshire Council, to the Guides, Avon Needs Trees, the list goes on.

Many have done their own retrofits, installed solar, batteries, heat-pumps, have Electric vehicles and E-Bikes, so we can talk from experience. We also have a broad range of environmental and sustainability expertise.

None of us are paid, so all our advice is free, informal, and impartial. We are all passionate about our planet and the environment and want to facilitate the transition to zero carbon and restoration of the natural world.

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Tree sculpture


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Eco Future Fest


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Community Engagement

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